Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Child Protection.
Providers must have and implement a policy, and procedures, to safeguard children
BCC – The Ark Preschool and Daycare
2.1 Employment
(Including suitability, contingency plans, training and development)
Policy statement
We meet the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage, ensuring that our staff are appropriately qualified, and we carry out checks for criminal and other records through the Criminal Records Bureau in accordance with statutory requirements.
Vetting and staff selection
We work towards offering equality of opportunity by using non-discriminatory procedures for staff recruitment and selection.
All staff have job descriptions, which set out their staff roles and responsibilities.
We welcome applications from all sections of the community. Applicants will be considered on the basis of their suitability for the post, regardless of disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, sex, age, marriage or civil partnership. Applicants will not be placed at a disadvantage by our imposing conditions or requirements that are not justifiable.
We use Ofsted guidance on obtaining references and enhanced criminal record checks through the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check for staff and volunteers who will have unsupervised access to children. This is in accordance with requirements under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) for the vetting and barring scheme.
We keep all records relating to employment of staff and volunteers, in particular those demonstrating that checks have been done, including the date and number of the enhanced DBS check.
Staff are expected to disclose any convictions, cautions, court orders, reprimands and warnings which may affect their suitability to work with children – whether received before, or at any time during, their employment with us.
Where we become aware of any relevant information which may lead to the disqualification of an employee, we will take appropriate action to ensure the safety of children. In the event of disqualification, that person’s employment with us will be terminated.
Changes to staff
We inform Ofsted of any changes in the person responsible for our setting.
Training and staff development
Our setting leader holds the BA (Hons) in Early Years and deputy holds an Early Years Care & Education Level 3 qualification. Staff hold an equivalent level 3 or higher qualification and a minimum of half of our staff hold the CACHE Level 2; Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce or an equivalent or higher qualification.
We provide regular in-service training to all staff - whether paid staff or volunteers - through the Pre-school Learning Alliance and external agencies.
Our setting budget allocates resources to training.
We provide staff induction training in the few weeks of employment. This induction includes our Health and Safety Policy and Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy. Other policies and procedures will be introduced within an induction plan.
We support the work of our staff by holding regular supervision meetings and appraisals.
We are committed to recruiting, appointing and employing staff in accordance with all relevant legislation and best practice.
Staff taking medication/other substances
If a member of staff is taking medication which may affect their ability to care for children, we ensure that they seek further medical advice. Staff will only work directly with the children if medical advice confirms that the medication is unlikely to impair their ability to look after children properly.
Staff medication on the premises will be stored securely and kept out of reach of the children at all times.
If we have reason to believe that a member of staff is under the influence of alcohol or any other substance that may affect their ability to care for children, they will not be allowed to work directly with the children and further action will be taken.
Managing staff absences and contingency plans for emergencies
In term time only settings, our staff take their holiday breaks when the setting is closed. Where staff may need to take time off for any reason other than sick leave or training, this is agreed with the manager with sufficient notice.
Where staff are unwell and take sick leave in accordance with their contract of employment, we organise cover to ensure ratios are maintained.
Sick leave is monitored and action is taken where necessary, in accordance with the contract of employment.
This policy was adopted at a meeting of BCC – The Ark Preschool & Daycare
Held on 30 April 2024
Date to be reviewed April 2025
Signed on behalf of the provider
Name of signatory Arzu Subasi
Role of signatory (e.g. chair, director or owner) Manager
Other useful Pre-school Learning Alliance publications
Employee Handbook (2012)
Recruiting and Managing Employees (2011)