How to help your child with their development.
The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is divided into 7 learning areas that a child travels through between the ages of 0-5 years. These areas are then divided into 2 areas, prime and specific. The Prime Areas are Personal, Social and Emotional development, Communication and Language development and Physical development. The Specific Areas are Literacy development, Mathematics, Understanding the world, and Expressive Arts and Design.
PSE development is grouped by three areas, Making relationships, Self confidence and self awareness, and managing feelings and behaviour. All children develop in different ways and at different times in their life, however there are many ways in which you can help your child develop.
Help your child feel good about themself. Praise them for the effort rather than the desired outcome. Many children find it hard to achieve these small tasks but a little support from their parent or carer can really boost their self esteem.
Help your child to be independent. Encourage your child to put their bag in the correct place at preschool or pick up their coat or help a family member, maybe attempt to put on their own coat or shoes, always remembering to praise the effort perhaps by saying 'I could see that was difficult, you tried really hard'.
Encourage friendship making. Find out who your child is friends with (staff are happy to let you know who your child plays with). Arrange play dates. Have play days or outings to the park with others.
When your child cries or shows anger and frustration, keep calm and try not to shout at them. Speak to them in a calm way and explain what you would like to them to do. Of course, challenging behaviour is difficult to manage and not children will not always respond to the same techniques. If you would like to speak to a member of staff in the preschool, please do so, we are always here to help.